Sunday, May 9, 2010

About me

Name: Sagar Subramaniam
Breed of dog: Shih tzu- Pure Breed
Size: Not too big and not too small - Medium
Colour: Brown-White-Black
Best thing about me: Cutest, most handsome guy in Singapore and probs the world 
Age: I'm not sure. Fine turning 7

Worst thing about me: I can't swim! I don't know why, but I just can't.
Favourite food: Chicken- Ginger Garlic Chicken cooked by my mum-prawn paste chicken by Wah Ho Seafood Restaurant.  
Least favourite food: Dry-mouth dog biscuits.
Favourite Actress: Trisha
Favourite thing to do: Lie around doing nothing.
When I get tired of doing nothing, I bully my sister or the maid.

Favourite thing to say when I'm in trouble: 'maa yeah'.
My rival: My sister who things she is equally pretty. 
Person I hate most in the world: The dreadful Blacks Family
Person who hates me most in the world: The dreadful Blacks Family
The people I like more than anyone in the universe: My wonderful Family.
What I’d like to be: Mum's best child!